Match your merchants with the proper cross-border payment preferences

Confidence in alternative payment methods for cross-border purchases have never been higher.

Online merchants are rushing to take advantage of this trade. However, expanding into new markets only makes sense if you’re set up to take payments from each local customer. Self-evident, right? Well, payment habits can vary enormously all over the world – more and more so with each day.

Don’t assume that commonly available payment methods are enough

Local payment cultures are shaped by regulatory regimes, financial culture and historical factors as well as economic growth. Preferred payment methods uctuate depending on the relevant country and general market environment at the time of the transaction. Merchants need to meet payment expectations, or lose to a competitor that o ers the preferred payment method at checkout.

Adding new payment methods allows new customers to make payments

With a single contract, single API and single monthly payment, you as a payment service provider (PSP) or acquirer can gain centralised access to more than 140 local APMs from all over the world. We at PPRO help you to integrate our API and provide merchants with the payment methods they need to accept more payments and meet their business goals.

An Alternative Payment Method Is Any Payment Method That Offers An Alternative To Paying With Cash Or An Internationally Accepted Credit Or Debit Card.

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